
With Architecture for children, you have the opportunity to create a space that is, in many ways, architecture without clear boundaries. While the design process is done by adults, the final users are often children which is evident in kindergartens, schools and parks. Therefore, architects have a responsibility to ensure that the built environment gives children the opportunity to play, explore and learn in physical space, even in the digital age. It is believed that design can help to form critical thinking, responsibility and also to create future citizens in children.

In most cases, the educational system and its spatial expression have not changed significantly in the last hundred years. However, with the widespread access to information, the focus is slowly moving from accumulating information to cultivating critical thinking, and new educational methods demand a new area of need for architectural space for children. In the design, an attempt was made to answer the question of how architecture can help the education process and architecture itself becomes an educational tool.

The space dedicated to the skill park for children and teenagers is located inside the abandoned sheds of the Janoob spinning and weaving factory of Yazd, which was founded in 1329. Due to the closure of this factory in the previous years and the location of this factory in the heart of Yazd city, it was decided that two of the sheds of this complex will be dedicated to the special space for children and teenagers with the approach of learning technical skills, and at the same time, the childish spirit of the complex, creating an attractive concept should be considered.

There is a new understanding in the design of educational spaces that educational spaces allow young people to experience seemingly undirected space, an action that can promote their independence and responsibility. According to this understanding of the design of educational spaces, an attempt was made to defamiliarize children from conventional spaces such as courtyards, corridors, etc. by using different and unfamiliar methods and invite them to be more present in the space. And in this way, children will be encouraged to talk with each other and explore more in the architecture of the complex, and their interaction and perception will increase due to the space.

By using light, color, greenery and other influential factors, we tried to improve children’s learning through sensory experiences. As the educational model is changing towards more diverse teaching methods, architecture has a significant opportunity to create learning environments for collaboration, problem solving and deep understanding. Multi-purpose educational spaces were considered to increase children’s engagement with the educational space and thereby increase children’s learning. In order to achieve this goal, an attempt was made to increase spatial adaptability and flexibility by using stairs as an amphitheater or using different and diverse movement axes

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